National Guidelines for WinS in Lesotho
Access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene in schools and teaching positive WASH behaviors helps keep learners to be safe and healthy. We know that healthy learners perform better at school and go on to be more successful in life. We also know that learners who learn these important WASH behaviours early, pass on these knowledge to their communities and future generations.
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Access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene in schools and teaching positive WASH behaviors helps keep learners to be safe and healthy. We know that healthy learners perform better at school and go on to be more successful in life. We also know that learners who learn these important WASH behaviours early, pass on these knowledge to their communities and future generations.
The Guidelines provide practical advice for the education sector stakeholders across the country, from national and district levels, down to the school and community levels. Helping us to implement these Guidelines will mean that you are playing an important role in ensuring every child in Lesotho fulfils their right to a safe, healthy environment and a good education. We want to make this a reality for all learners across the country, including those with disabilities.
The Guidelines are based on the Three Star Approach used by many other countries globally. The concept helps prioritize practical and essential WASH services for learners, one step at a time.